Newsletters, Thought Leadership
On August 5, 2021, we were fortunate to host a Zoom conversation with Kathy White, Deputy Director of the Colorado Fiscal Institute and Mark Newhouse, SVP Denver Partner, to discuss strategies social mission organizations can leverage to change state policy for the...
Newsletters, Thought Leadership
Colleen Kazemi is the Executive Director of SVP Denver. What inspired SVP Denver to join the Theory of Change (ToC) cohort as a participating nonprofit? SVP Denver had been a program of The Denver Foundation for 20 years. During that time there have been a lot of...
Investee Spotlight, Newsletters
Tara McLain Manthey, of the Osage Nation, is the Executive Director of the Denver Indian Family Resource Center and was previously the Senior Vice President of the Colorado Children’s Campaign. How did the opportunity to become the Executive Director of the Denver...
Newsletters, Partner Spotlight
Stacey Frank, an SVP Denver Partner since 2019, is a financial advisor and owner of A&I Financial Services. Dawn Marshall, an SVP Denver Partner since 2014, is an accountant and engaged philanthropist. They served as the Partners supporting the Denver Indian...
ED Messages, News & Announcements, Thought Leadership
What does community-led change mean for the philanthropic sector? Our Executive Director, Colleen Kazemi, sat down with the Giving Compass team to talk about the future of SVP Denver and our commitment to building community trust, democratizing philanthropy and...