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The pandemic has transformed how we interact and connect as human beings. Our professional colleagues and friends are considering how they spend their days and wondering what they can do to be more connected to people and to their community. Employees are looking critically at how they spend their professional time and considering how their personal values match those of the companies they work for. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is ever evolving and is increasingly focused on how to engage employees internally and externally to ensure they remain happy in their job and don’t join the “Great Resignation”. 

A Cone Communications Employee Engagement Study of Millennials found that:

  • 64% [of employees] won’t take a job if a company doesn’t have strong CSR values
  • 83% would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to social and environmental issues (vs. 70% U.S. average)
  • 88% say their job is more fulfilling when they are provided opportunities to make a positive impact on social and environmental issue

SVP Denver can get your employees engaged in community

Many businesses don’t have anyone dedicated to finding ways to engage their employees within their local communities. Many companies are tasked with finding a nonprofit that matches their company mission and values and then spending many hours organizing the engagement opportunity for their employees.

That’s where SVP Denver comes in. We’ve started to use the term “Engaged CSR” to illustrate how we create programs that truly engage your employees in having a direct social impact in their community. SVP Denver will find nonprofits within our network that match your company values and are ready to receive your professional support. We will design short- or long-term projects that allow your employees to work with nonprofits while developing deeper relationships with their fellow employees. 

You can read about our partnership with EY here and reach out to to learn more about how we can support your business in making a difference in our community.