Investee Spotlight, News & Announcements
Hands of the Carpenter, an SVP Denver Investee that offers affordable auto placement, repair and maintenance to working single mothers, recently celebrated the grand opening of its second location. Located at 10401 E. Idaho Place in Aurora, the new facility was...
ED Messages, News & Announcements, Thought Leadership
What does community-led change mean for the philanthropic sector? Our Executive Director, Colleen Kazemi, sat down with the Giving Compass team to talk about the future of SVP Denver and our commitment to building community trust, democratizing philanthropy and...
News & Announcements, Thought Leadership
Do you wonder what a Theory of Change is and why you need one? How does what you do as a nonprofit or social venture translate to meaningful impact? Nonprofit Jenni did a great job interviewing our ED, Colleen Kazemi, and stellar SVP Partner, Paul Collier, to...
News & Announcements, Webinars
SVP Denver would like to invite the community to a special, interactive webinar hosted by Kara Penn who has literally written the book on how to design smart mistakes and succeed sooner by learning how to fail better. Thursday, March 18th, 12-2 pm MT In this...